Thursday, July 3, 2014

Plants that Fix Nitrogen - Nitrogen Fixing Plants List

Plants that fix nitrogen play an essential role in agriculture.
Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Definition
They serve as hosts for nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium, which trap Nitrogen in the soil and make it available to be used by plants which do not have these microorganisms.

Where are Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Found?

All plants need Nitrogen to grow and bear fruit well. It is a building block of amino acids. However plants cannot all make this essential element. Those that cannot make it must rely on bacteria that live in nodules that are located on the roots of plants that provide a good habitat for them to survive in. These plants capture the element and make NH3, which plants can absorb. They also leave it in the soil for other plants to use. In this way, they enrich the dirt.

Why are Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria Important?

Although nitrogen is one of the gases that is present in the atmosphere, plants cannot use it in this form. They cannot properly utilize the element as a gas. Nitrogen fixing plants are able to draw nitrogen into the soil, which is where they and other flora can properly employ it.

Plants may also get nitrogen from inorganic fertilizer. Some persons who have access to chicken manure may also add this to the soil in order to give their plants more of the essential nutrients that they require to form leaves and fruit.

Many plants that fix nitrogen are legumes, for example corn is a popular nitrogen fixing plant. Peas and beans also fix this element in the soil. Many of the plants that have this property are edible and several are attractive to look at and are used as ornamental plants.

The following are plants that fix nitrogen:
Ceanothus- ceanothus does not grow taller than around 4 feet. It can also be used medicinally to treat sore throats and sores.
Pea shrub-these plants like a lot of sun
Red beans
Soy beans
Alder-this tree grows to about 25 feet and people use its branches and twigs to make baskets
This article was previously published on Scienceray on Nov. 23, 2012.

The Australian Bushland - Australia's Outback

The Australian bushland is located along Australia’s Gold Coast. The bush is known all over the world and it is very special to the people who call Australia home. There are several beautiful retreats that are set in the area. Families who can enjoy time there are treated to a myriad of breathtaking scenes on a daily basis.

The Australian bushland is home to a lot of unique plants and animals. These species thrive in the different habitats that can be found in the bushland. The bush is also a great place for people to relax. Houses that built there provide priceless hours of time away from stress for the occupants.

Although the homes are private and are located away from the city, access to electricity and phones is usually available. People who stay there can see wild creatures such as kangaroos and sugar gliders. You can also see all kinds of birds, in addition to koalas and echidnas.

If you are interested in historic sites, there is also a lot to see. Ancient aboriginal dwellings are there, as are tools and rock structures. In times past, Aboriginal guides with exceptional tracking skills became legends in the minds of European Australians. For Indigenous Australians, intimate knowledge of the land is tied in to their spiritual beliefs.

For many years, the poets, writers and painters of Australian origin have used the bush to help express national identity. Contemporary, music, clothing, architecture and even slang all contain references to the Australian bushland.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Moringa for Water Clarification and Other Non Medicinal Uses of Sajina

The Moringa plant is well known for its health properties. It is also known as the Sajina tree in some parts of the world. The roots, leaves and other parts of the tree are used extensively throughout Asia and the Caribbean. it has also become popular in other parts of the world.

Wikimedia Commons CCA 3.0 Unported by Forest & Kim Starr
Wikimedia Commons CCA 3.0 Unported by Forest & Kim Starr

It is rich in vitamins, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin A. It is also a good source of protein. This has made it a good source of essential nutrients in areas where it is hard to grow other crops.

The moringa or horseradish tree is also used for the following:
1. Water clarification
2. Lumber
3. Charcoal
4. Lubricating oil

It is also used for fencing in several areas. In some countries, its use in building is better known than in others. For example, in Jamaica, other types of wood, such as mahogany and pine, are more popular.