Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Poultry Production in Ethiopia

Poultry production in Ethiopia is an example of projects that are undertaken by entrepreneurs who reside in villages across the country. There are several different models for breeding schemes that can be used by businesspeople in this sector. In order to decide which system would be best in this part of Africa, surveys were done prior to the implementation of the project.

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Poultry farming is a major source of income for both large and small enterprises across the world. In several countries, chicken is a major source of protein. Even people who eat very little animal protein at dinner may consume eggs, which are far cheaper and supply folic acid and other nutrients.

Farmers in this sector find that it is relatively easy to raise hens and roosters. Once they have the space to build a coop, their other concerns are ensuring that the animals are well fed and kept free of disease. Infections spread rapidly among animals that are in relatively close contact with each other and an aspiring business woman can lose her whole investment if the chickens get sick.

Poultry production in Ethiopia is usually undertaken by people who cannot make a long term investment in the land they live on, since they don’t own it. These farmers are often female. They may also lack the resources to invest in more expensive cows, goats or pigs. The chickens are fed and are also allowed to scavenge, or live under free range conditions.

Source: International Livestock Research Institute, “Reducing the Impact of Infectious Diseases on Village Poultry Production in Ethiopia”,

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